
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last Night

We decorated our tree last night.

Our first fake tree since Jeffry and I have been married (8 years).

Growing up, we always had a fake tree. My dad has bad allergies and couldn't stand to have a live tree indoors.

So when Jeffry and I got married, I was so excited for our first Christmas together.

Excited for my first real, live evergreen.

We always bought the tallest one possible to fit our high ceilings.

You know, the ones that come from North Carolina? Blue Spruce perfection.

But after years of the real deal in our bigger house, Jeffry's allergies just can't take the living evergreen scent anymore in our little farmhouse.

So I caved for my husband's sake and bought a fake tree. Because as much as I love Christmas and my live evergreen, I love him more.

And I can already tell his allergies are thanking me.

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